ICTS Astrophysical Relativity Group Wiki
Welcome to the Astrophysical Relativity Group Wiki at the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences
of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bangalore! This wiki is accessible to members and collaborators of the group only. If you would like to have an account in the wiki, please register here
. You will need a passcode to register. Please write to ajith (at) icts (dot) res (dot) in for the passcode.

Research projects
Meetings, telecons and journal clubs
- Astrophysical Relativity Journal Club (every Monday)
- Weekly Group Meeting (every Tuesday)
- Bimonthly Group Seminar (alternate Wednesdays)
- This Week's Papers Discussion (every Thursday)
- Monthly computing meeting (first Monday)
- Computing help
- SVN Help
- Wiki Help
- LALSuite Installation
- PyCBC Installation
- GSTLAL Installation
- LIGO Tier-3 Center
- Setting up Jupyter Notebook on LDG Cluster
- Converting Mathematica Expressions into Python Syntax
- Alice: gw_data_find fix
Other information
- ICTS Visitors
- Information for LSC members
- Useful resources on GW data analysis
- Schools, Workshops and Conferences